4th March. I wasn’t sure what I was going to make, but was drawn to this piece of wood to use as a starting point. I brushed away the pine needles and leaves. It was surrounded by fallen oak leaves, and that seemed the right material to start with, again I worked with lines before moving on to circles. It was a windy day so this was a very temporary piece as it was changed by the wind, until no traces of order remained.

I found a stone close by to use for my circle of oak leaves. I had to clear away some brambles that were getting in the way. I used the cut stalks on the leaves, randomly at first, then they became a clockface with out hands. I didn’t plan that initially, but I have made clocks without hands in the past. I like the way ideas come full circle.

I brushed away the leaves and started a clock face with just bramble stalks… started thinking about time, about the cycles of the seasons, time in the woods becomes timeless compared to time being fragmented by minutes….it is very meditative working in this way.
‘Ephemeral art Bramble marks passing seasons Oak stands eternal’ Written by Tonia, who I will be meeting at the end of March to think about ways we can work together.

Back to my infinity tree with new ideas, I could use the holly twigs that I had cut the leaves from, and cut more to use. It was less fiddly and prickly than the bramble, but needed more balancing on the uneven surface. Thought more about time, how the decaying tree trunks are like cogs in the wheel of time.

I spent some time walking, looking and writing in my sketchbook. Thinking about making big sculptural cogs, starting as a series of arches to possibly be able to walk under. I made a couple of small ephemeral pieces while I had all these thoughts in my mind, using what was on the forest floor.

I love this work. Thanks so much for helping me to make sense of some recently cut treetrunks and slices., pinecones and prunings.
Lovely meditative work
Thank you very much.